TradeTech Solutions' Mission: To make B2B eCommerce simple for SMEs.

  • Why? To help SMEs: Increase Sales – Reduce Risk – Find Finance – Save Money.
  • How? By aggregating and integrating the best solutions available in the market – i.e. through partnerships.
  • What? TradeTech Solutions' services have to provide: (i) online support across the whole range of eCommerce and International Trade activities (ii) easily accessible reference data & information and (iii) access to finance and new online opportunities.


The TradeTech Solutions Team has a wide and deep experience in developing online solutions for the international banking and trading communities. From this experience, we saw that although the B2C sector is well served* there are no equivalents for B2B eCommerce (apart from a very few niche markets). The reasons behind this lack of B2B equivalents are many (but we won't go into them here).

Therefore, the full benefits of Industry 4.0 are not reaching most SMEs - who represent the vast majority of any country's economy. We know that the individual service elements are "out there", it's just that no-one has packaged the elements into practical, low-cost, easy-to-use solutions .......... until now:

  • The AEODirectory.
  • The ExportersAlmanacs.
  • The Online Expos.
  • and now the Multilingual Microsites.

As we extend our range of partnerships and further integrate their solutions, these services will extend and improve. (They've already come a long way since we started in 2017.)

If you have any suggestions as to how we can extend and improve our services, please contact us - we'd love to hear from you.

*Just look at Alibaba, Amazon, ebay Shopify etc. etc.